
Nice Nite with Adai

It was a pain in the ass day. Rog & Ino had a meltdown last night at my house. Izzy apologized for the sluttery and parade of dick all week. I finally got a chance to hang with by bud Adai and I am worn out due to all the silliness. Spoke with Frankie and we have decided to stand united when dealing with my students they really say some off the wall shit to piss me off. I kept my cool all week but today I was accussed of not being thorough. I am so anal that it cannot escape me how they can think I missed a contract detail or more. Kills me. I paid for the office's lunch went to TJ and got some goodies!

La cite me fue muy bien. Concine unos rellenos de pollo con grama verde y tambien pollo con salsa de mandarinas y arroz de jasmin los sabores fueron de delicia. Tuvimos una torta de queso de key lime. Despues vimos Volver con la Penelope Cruz. Mas tarde terminamos en la banera con velas alrededor de nosotros. Fue una noche deliciosa!


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