
Matchmaker Matchmaker Make Me a Match

For all out there still single sexless and dateless. Had lunch with Izzy and Pat. Saw Silent Hill creepy & funny. No news from Bob, Jefe said hi and wants to get together to celebrate graduation Wohoo! Brownie still crazy!


The Testing Thing

I did the final freaking PRAXIS of my life these people really are sloW!



This is a great book! A summer must read!


Days Assunder

Tuesday got call from prospective supervisor at NCSU seems like the search is moving in my direction and they are confirming my people. I am soo excited!


The eyes are on you

Here is a pick of my favorite DICKtator little Kim or Kim Il sung.


About pollen

Pollen, pollen here to stay,
from March, through April, sometimes May.

I cannot see you but you’re there,
freely floating through the air.

I hate you pollen but I love the Spring,
and without you pollen flowers don’t sing.

So if through this grief I see God's work,
I’ll bear in mind and be less a jerk.

But I still hate you...

Frankye called me and said she wanted to check my refs, I liked her a lot. She is going to be a good person to role model and mentor me. I can operate as a team or be led, I prefer a more professional environment where I can use my mind. I think NCSU is a good fit. Institutionally speaking The Aug is ok but due to the candid eviceration and emasculation of males on campus little to no theory can be done. Students lack the fertile and virile leadership because it is hampered and put down by many of the fembots who administer in this part of Oakwood.


15th Week, 1 to go

The semester is almost over and I am giving the grades for my class. I worked out for the first time in two weeks darn allergies. i got a call from Patrice still freaked out by coming out to me at work. I told him it was ok to be gay. Funny, he's fearful i'll tell the world. Not me into the vault. Had din din with the saw brothers. Brownie topped himself, he brought me a sack lunch and chocolate during the MCAT Lunch break. Kudos Brownie. I admire thy culinary choices. emailed bob, seem like he's out for the weekend. Chatted with Jefe, he seems happier now that Jeffy likes him again. This boy has more drama than a puertorican soap opera. Izzy is still carless and Roger is about to whack Ino for his insanity. All in all a good Saturday.


Sleeping in

taking it easy today! Slept in til 10 am. Last night Pat came out to me and it's all good. He is freaking out and left me a fraken vm detailing his woes. i wish people could take the coming out process less dramatic. Not heard from Bob, I hear from El Jefe he and Jeffie need to talk, we were chatting the other night and we were going to to cafe but his boyfriend objected. I dated a control freak for eight years not a good thing. I told him maybe next week, well certainly get together and drink some coffee and chat. It saddens me when smart people do stupid shit.


Testing testing 1...2...3...

i got to do the MCAT and easy $200 in my pocket if I might say. it is nice to be able to do testing for a couple of hours and get paid obscene ammounts of money. I think I am sleeping in tomorrow.


Working Borders Tonight

I will be at Borders until 11 PM and i believe that they are amused that i am feeling better they have given me various shifts. I had hopped they got rid of me but alas not yet. I am reading Christopher Moore's: A Dirty Job. I believe it would make a great picture.


Supervisor Evaluation

Admitting that I made a mistake is something that I have no problem in doing. I should have not stepped down and let foxysilver take over advisement. I gave up to soon, but it was a trying summer with my unfortunate leg injury. She has made a mess of the office and I know that it baseless to acuse one who is incapable. She lacks the formal training and desire to work as a team member and believes that by harrasment she'll get her due instead of adieu.
I chatted with her boss about how she does not even attempt to be professional. So I began writing her review and I will attach all proof as needed. I am not mad at the situation just saddened that it has come to be.


went to the court of the Myrtles

the lawyer said son your case ain't aged enough. So I find myself awaiting until June. I doubt it will be resolved before the year span passes. Emailed el Jefe he's swamped with finals. Heard from Izzy got a car finally. I hope he drives with more caution. Spoke to Melkat, well only Kat but she is 1/2 of my girl Meli mel. Told them I was sorry for my gruffness on Saturday would have loved to go out with them, but the allergy stuff makes me crabby. Talked to Brownie kudos and keeping it all together and finally buying big boy pants. I heard from Bobi, he's busy with work so I spent a quiet evening at home, with boy for company.


Stayed Home

Feeling like my head is going to explode. Took some Benadryl, mixed in the nyquil awoke at 7 am the next day. Felt better had some weird ass dreams. Tried contacting Izzyt o say hi! I haven't seen him since my allergis took a turn for the worse. Interviewed with NC state I least i think I did or was it a dream.


One Week and Counting

I woke today feeling better still full of nasty liquids but I woke to the phone ringing, did not answer the caller ID says Dan its for Izzy let him face the teutonic rage of Dan. He ran off to Charlotte with his friends and they had a good time. Izzy did not work Friday or Saturday, I hope he doesn't get fired from his job.

I had a miserable Easter, got a call from Dani and Brownie. I did not feel like talking voice still scratchy and eyes itchy. I think I need my AC charged freon??



I can barely breathe, My lugs are full of pollen and my head ached like I got hit with a baseball. I think Melissa and Kathy came by to say hi but I was so sick I barely opened the door. I immediately went back to sleep. I want relief from these allergies. Izzy ran of to Charlotte with Allen and Edson. His good for nothing sister. That little tramp Edson is not only a bad influence but will get Izzy in trouble. Dan calls repeatedly, I do not answer go back to sleep.


My Sinusus are in Rebellion

The fraken pollen has got my nose shut and it refuses to work. I am sick like a pooch in the hothouse.


All the Photos and Memories of a good trip

My sinusus continue to act up. I am stuffy and itchy, rhymes with bitchy!


A Broken Raptor

While playing with my niece we broke my nephews Raptor. He clamly observed That is ok! Does it still Work? I said yes and he was delighted and concluded: I forgive you. Cool kids! ried calling out at Borders but Gary asked me nicely to come in. I will certainly come to regret this.


More Memories of Tampa


Back at Work Good news

I got back to work and my references for the job in NCSU have been checked. I am going to interview next week.



Got home, everything ok and Boy has been well. Got a cold from my soaking. Feel yucky took some Benadryl went to sleep.



Today last day in Seffner. Not a bad place after all stayed in until Dave came over for lunch. Mom made some heavy potroast. It was great. Headed out fisited a friend of Dave's in Deland, got the grand tour of the city. Stoped somewhere in GA and drove home the next day.



Slept in til 10 am. Marc and Josh and Sarah look great. Mom insisted that I take them to Busch Gardens. I was tricked by my niece to get on a ride and I gor soaked. She found it amusing. Chilled out. Dave came over for Rice & chicken. Sarah made the desert.


Tampa Seffner Lakeland FL

Got home to mom's. Nice ride and safe trip. Tootsie is keeping busy with redecorating. New place looks like french colonial with a mix of tropical delight. Had a lovely lunch. Got text from Bobby, he rocks sweet! Mom made beans and franks for lunch my fav. Took a long nap, saw my godfather Freddy and godmom Annie. They look great G-bless. Marc Anthony, Joshua ALec and Sarah Alicia arrive tonight at 11:30 PM from Plantation FL. I texted Bobby.