
Six Years Ago

I lived in Durham NC. I worked for Cost Plus. I was in a loveless relationship. I was depressed. I hated going to work. I watched the morning news. I sat and read the paper and drank some coffee. I saw the world fall apart. I saw a tower being struck and some stupid newscaster say it was a Cessna. I heard the roar of airplane engines. I saw the second plane strike the second tower. I was in horror, transfixed to my tv screen, hoping it was some tasteless tv media stunt. I was wrong. I wished the planes never crashed into the Twin Towers, The Pentagon and a field in rural Pensylvannia. A little bit of my heart was lost. I cried all day about the people on fire and who were dying that day in NYC.
I am sad evey Sept. 11 comes. I become silent, pensive, respectful. 9.11 victims I pray for you and your loved ones. We miss you. I looked online and my namesake George Morell died in the Twin Towers. A tear forms in my eyes.


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