
Friday at Last

Looking forward to a good weekend. Meeting Dr. Dick to WO and then we are off to watch movies. I am so stressed. Need to cut it of with C but haven't got the heart. I will do so monday. i have stopped the calls. I am not feeling it, and I am sorry.


Done with Mary i apologized


Why you go acting crazy

Mary our secretary, yesterday acted like an ass and I just thought to ignore it all day.


Six Years Ago

I lived in Durham NC. I worked for Cost Plus. I was in a loveless relationship. I was depressed. I hated going to work. I watched the morning news. I sat and read the paper and drank some coffee. I saw the world fall apart. I saw a tower being struck and some stupid newscaster say it was a Cessna. I heard the roar of airplane engines. I saw the second plane strike the second tower. I was in horror, transfixed to my tv screen, hoping it was some tasteless tv media stunt. I was wrong. I wished the planes never crashed into the Twin Towers, The Pentagon and a field in rural Pensylvannia. A little bit of my heart was lost. I cried all day about the people on fire and who were dying that day in NYC.
I am sad evey Sept. 11 comes. I become silent, pensive, respectful. 9.11 victims I pray for you and your loved ones. We miss you. I looked online and my namesake George Morell died in the Twin Towers. A tear forms in my eyes.


Another manic monday!

Well another Manic Monday! I had a good weekend. Spoke to Charlie some, trying to not be clingy.


Badd Ketty

No more feeding the Kat. Melkat has decided to move to Tennessee! This reallly sucks.


Got my Test Back

I am not happy got a 90 in my portuguese class I so wanted 100 better study me some more. I will study this weekend and get this sheet managed.



MelKat left town to look at their new job offer and possible home. I am here feeding the brat kat. Spoke with Charlie my baby!


Done with you!

Today I had to read the riot act to one of our monitors. She is being silly. My friend Pastor, had her husband run out on her and leave her with three kids and no money in the church's account. Made a referral to Black for a case. Spoke with Charlie he makes me smile! Long day fell asleep at 7pm.


Brasil e um pais mais gigante

Wo last night trying to stave off old age. Charles is sweet trying to arrange a randevous. Cannot wait to see him again.


Cosas que desafiam esplanation

This weekend I got a bit too saucy with Blackwell and told him to stop spoiling Connie his dog. He feeds her too much and too many snacks making the doggie sick. Dan made me aware that I pressed my point infinitely, and I needed to apologize. So I called Dave B and he was ok. Seemed worried about his poochie woochie and all the joys she brings him.

I gues in many ways we all three are similiar. We spoil our pets endlessly, the worse case is Melimels cat which weights about 26 pounds. As they say in china, big can makes good eating.



I have studied for my first Portuguese quiz. I hope I ace it. Went over to the Blackwell home and had dinner. Burgers YUM. Spoke with my hon Charlie.


Chilling out

Remained at home took no call and just did all my grading and studying for my quiz. I somehow feel ready to tackle these papers but jeez so many. Izzy ran off to CCharlotte PUTA! I love him though, he is so silly when he's with Allen.


A banderaido

T- minus 19 days and counting to my lovely 41 st bday. I cannot believe it is almost that time. I really am feeling ancient. Spoke with Charlie and I really do love him. Lord that word!