
Moving the Pole

Brownie is so brilliant. Back 2005 he told me about the light pole in my yard being way too clse to my house. I am finally being contacted by the city to have it moved Yipee! This photo is in memoriam of Brownie! The only reason why I even think of Brownie is because today my best friends talked about him and mentioned that he was giving the impression that he was a whorish drunk again. I cannot take him on since I have all the court shit to deal with. I feel freed from the encumberance of that friendship, vanished due to mutual agreement of April 15th. God, I pray you keep your eye on this burnt angel that has beeen twisted by fate, abused, fallen prey to alcohol, self medication, depression and the lack of one other than himself to love. Keep him safe in your sight and provide him with the clarity of vision to perceive that he deserves to be loved equally and fully as we all love you God.


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