
Dinner Oakwood Cafe

Excellent Yummy din din a good end to a lovely week got told about my raise. I am happy I got 4% so much better than St-aug. We liaughed no Brownie in sight. Charles called.


Ohh Jeeeesusz!

Came up with the brilliant idea to go to din din with the buZZ brothers. All went well. Dan irritated he cannot do anything with us due to his poor decision making ability.


I aint' scarred

Long day at work love the job. My A/C IS STILL OUT OF COMMISSION.



Bad bad man!


Monday at last

This weekend, friday was quiet stayed at home. Went to dinner and shopping with the Buzz brothers. Izzy going out again with Riccard. I went to brunch with Pat and saw a movie: Stardust. Overall a good weekend


Brunch with Pats

Lovely brunch at 518. Pat paid I paid for the movie. Spoke with Charles and we laughed a bit over Axels expense. Trampoloina! TOld him i was thankful to Richard. Charles laughed.


Restful weekend hot as hell

Went to Dan's Coney Island for lunch and hung out with the boys while they went to the market and Wally world. Called Boo! Charlie and he seemed good. Went to dinner at Dave's took BOy with me. Then went along with Dan and he picked up Izzy in the Mexicab. Izzy went de fiesta. I slept in all morning til Pat called, to remind me of Brunch on Sun.


The Bosses B-day

Getting her cup cakes and stuff. I like my boss no brown nossing here just want to say thanks.


Um dia mais Beijo

Took my first portugues lesson and it was fun. I like the class lots of gringos who do not really seem like they are into the class but heck that is what add drop is for. I told Charlie I love him and I really feel it and do.


Samwich was goode

Had a good lunch stayed in the office late paid some bills. The new proctors seem nice and the kids have lots of questions. I believe we did a poor job at informing them. This frustrates me.


Da Chen is Crazy!

went to the spaker. Da seemed all over the place maybe a bit more or less sugar. Charlie was happy to hear my voice.


Charlie Wins

Broke trough the barrier and made me see, myself blowing bubbles and happy to be,as I look back at this weekend and Ideal memory comes to fruition. Letting you in is not so bad after all, I just wish I had seen sooner what goodness Charlie has within.


Romancing the Stone

Like Gibraltar or Stonehenge standing at attetion and yielding to none. I stood alone and firm in my convictions. I was wrong and that is good for I can admit this without breaking apart.


Hot Summer Dia

What a crappy day it was soo hot I broke down. I have set my ac to be fixed on wed.


Another lovely friday

Not knowing my intent or interest this weekend I certainly know my hair needs a trimming it is curly & cute. Hate cute. I am probably hanging out at Daves Blackwells on sat. Not feeling much motivation to do a whole lot.


T minus 2 days and Counting to a new Fall Semester

Fall is almost upon us.


Get your Team

I have now hired 3 people to serve the program and two remain after one year. I really enjoy this job and the ability to effect change upon these students' lives.


Lust for Bears

Hairy men Yum!


A lovely Monday

Days before the students arrive all is quiet except for my bratty phone ringing off the hook. not a chance for me to answer it at times since it rang all day. New and old students all asking why this or that. It was like playing twister with porn stars... fascinating but troubling. Got call from Black and and invite to the beach.


The Quiet Before The Storm

I was told this Thursday last that a former friend, Brownie was out and about drinking and partying. All my kind friends said he's looking like shit and that I need to take a minute to let him know to bring it down a notch. I respectfully declined to get involved in the matters of Brownie. He was seen at Crepe Myrtle drinking starting at 7 PM and downing multiple beverages late until past 1 AM. Then last saturday, he was seen at the farmer's market looking dishevelshed and red eyed. I cannot and will not get involved. Lesson Learned. "El que juega con candela, siempre se quema":"he who plays with fire always will get burnt". I do not wish ill to Brownie but I am powerless to stop him. This much I know.


Saturday All Day Cleaning

I was feeling rather bushed and tired from watching Boy's illness get worse. He was sick in the house two times and I truly felt terrible for all his trowing up and defacating. I stayed home all day with him. Funny Izzy gone all weekend I pretended that my friend Dan would call but I guess, my realization that when Izzy is gone, very little of importance exist to retain Dan's attention. Took a trip to Target with the girls and realized that they too were ready to sprint away from the nest. They will move to Nashville, TN with the new company. I hope they treat Melissa well.


Friday at last

After an hard and hot week alas a moment of respite. Going with the gals on Friday movie and din din. Then Sat with Pat.


Moving the Pole

Brownie is so brilliant. Back 2005 he told me about the light pole in my yard being way too clse to my house. I am finally being contacted by the city to have it moved Yipee! This photo is in memoriam of Brownie! The only reason why I even think of Brownie is because today my best friends talked about him and mentioned that he was giving the impression that he was a whorish drunk again. I cannot take him on since I have all the court shit to deal with. I feel freed from the encumberance of that friendship, vanished due to mutual agreement of April 15th. God, I pray you keep your eye on this burnt angel that has beeen twisted by fate, abused, fallen prey to alcohol, self medication, depression and the lack of one other than himself to love. Keep him safe in your sight and provide him with the clarity of vision to perceive that he deserves to be loved equally and fully as we all love you God.


Estupideces mias

hoy pase por la casa de Brown. Note qu le habian cambiado su yarda y el frente de su casa se veia un poco differente. La acera estaba siendo rota por la ciudad. Vi a Charlie en el chat: Jota estupida! Hable ayer con Davey, me cae muy bien. Termine los planes para Vista y esta listo para la rede.


A New Semester is Upon Us

Worked all day on Vista. Chatted with Adam and got all the computers at home their updates and the new DSL software. Izzy came in late with la cabezona.


Dona Orta

Llame a mama y le desee un feliz cumpleanos. No hize nada bueno todo el dia.


Done Charlie Dumb!

I got this nasty e-mail a few days back from Charlie basically stating if I was intending in using him just for sex. I went 0-60 to pissed and cut his ass off from any chat with me. Then he proceeeds to blame me for cutting him off. So my question is Faggots, who makes you think that we need to talk out your co-dependent needs and sufferings?


New light Master bath

i installed a new light in my master b-room. Got it at the re use center.


New Stuff

Got a new stereo from Target. Looks nice and plays MP3. Paid the bills.



Not my idea of hanging around. Worked out. Went to Homogoods (homegoods) got my curved shower curtain rack.