
About JW

Two weeks ago I had a sad visit that would have not even passed off for a date. Jeff the Murse, got my work number as well as my cell as I invited him over for a movie. I told Murseboy that I would go Work out until 7 and then I would CALL HIM. The Datechallenged boy called me at work repeatedly, then drove to my house and waited for me around 6 or 6:30. I got home and got his call. It seems he had been on multiple dates as of recent and left my cell at home. LOL! But the plot thickens and gets funnier...

When he came over and he was barely in the door when Kelly and I saw an opportunity for a fun and an innocent prank. Kelly pretended to be a job applicant for a nude housecleaning service as I played along I asked the humorless fellow Jeff to sit down and allow me to conclude the interview. I asked Kelly the twink if he always wore boxers briefs or was he willing to consider wearing thongs while cleaning the house. Kelly smirked devilishly and said that special request were extra but he was willing to accomodate.

At this point we let Jeff into the joke, he was not amused. I guess the murse (He is a male Nurse on disability) did not see the fun in the situation. He then asked Kelly if he was wearing make-up, that was mean and unecessary. Kelly was crushed and soon thereafter left with Izzy who called me and said "no te lo quedes". (NOT A KEEPER!!!) The evening only got into a steady decline. I spent the evening making inconsequential chat and looking at the clock on my wall say tick tock. At one instance I was quizzed about NC history and got 110%. I do have an IQ above 140.

Jeff insisted that I never gave him my cell and I quickly said sir you are in error. Finally he asked to smoke and that was my moment for a graceful reprieve. Izzy and Kelly were on call in case this guy turned to be a psycho. The time was well past 11 PM at which time I asked him nicely to get and go! No kissing or anything else took place. Do not kiss smokers they make me wretch.

Two days pass. Jeff calls me at work and begins apologizing over losing my phone and arguing about the issue the other night. Soon I imagine to myself he'd be planning our nuptials. I had to stop his silly ass, but not until Jeff explained that he would stop smoking. That was the straw that broke the camel's back. I asked Jeff that perhaps in all matters it is best to get a dayplanner the do help keep your dates, hookups and screws quite tightly organized.

About the smoking, not my bag baby. If you toke, smoke or inhale I will not kiss you 'nuff said. Jeff was mean and for me that was the worse part, cute but mean is hard to get past. Jeff also has a 16 year old and as all my friends know kids and I do not mix. I told him that in all best laid plans children should go away at 5 to boarding school and not return only but briefly to collect their trust fund and thusly dissapear. Shear silence on the other line of the phone.

That evening I called my favorite buttboy and had him thoroughly lick me from head to toe, sure helped get rid of JW and his awful Karmic disentery. Last night I was chatting with one of my regular chattees' and he mentioned JW and his claims about sleeping at my place. JW is a delusional fag who needs a clear concept of reality thus, consider this ditty your epilogue.


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