
Things I miss

A pic of my favorite haunt. I miss Chicago. Beautiful summers in the city.


The deeds of today

Did little work on the webpage for the curriculum in my classes. Changed the AC filter, vacumed, washed the car and spot painted all the nicks in my wall. Worked out all afternoon and picked some munchies. Chatted with Charlie, Ignored Ernie and played with boy.


Great day today

Izzy, Dan and I ran off and saw the Simpson's. It rocked. Called Charles.


A Good Time At Blackwell's

Blackwell in his infinite wisdom picked me up and drove me around town to get stuff done. Izzy discovered the Crepe Myrtle Festival and I had Dinner at Blackwell's. Izzy came back and gave me a Brown sighting Meh! (")


Lo que tengo que Ofrecer

Soy inteligente pero no lo actuo. Quiero ofrecer a mi amante mi amistad y corazon. Nada mas ni nada menos. Vi esta foto y pense huy! esto es como yo veo a mis relaciones amorosas. Como una fierecilla rebelde y que va atacar. No se porque me siento asi. Hoy llame a Borders para decirles que no puedo regresar.


La insanidad de Morell

Hace poco que empeze a pensar que yo iba ha escapar la insanidad genetica de mi familia pero tanto he tratado crea que se hizo presente mi locura recientemente. Cuando miro a mi blog y veo los anos y los eventos que han pesado me siento terible sobre mis decisiones con Brownie. Tambien los actuos depravados que he cometido con Adam. Como yo pude confiar a esas personas que no tenian ningun interes en mi persona. La locura me alcanza y me agobia.


Met Charlie

Hace mas de un mes conoci a Charlie. Es muy encantador pero no nos hemos visto en persona. Pienso que le caigo bien, y lo encuentro atractivo y varonil. Me va a visitar en unas cuantos dias el 12 de Agosto.


CAN Stupidity wear you out?

Yesterday was a bit of a stupid day. A meeting that led to no result, another meeting with a former advisee from St. Aug, then another meeting to decide when to meet next. I came home had supper, watched some Voyager and fell asleep. Melkat insisted in calling me to annoy me about the HOA meeting. I could dare less went back to sleep. Woke at 8 pm, watched Enterprise and then took the dog out. Overall a stupid waste of a night.


Good weekend

Met Patrick at the north Hills mall had lunch then went to Target to collect some necessaries. Ran off to the office to finish a minor project stopped at the gym on my way home. Black called and wanted to do dinner went over to his place Dan drove me home.


No more boneheaded options

Been wondering if I should attend the Crepe Myrtle festival and run into the Creepettes of Raleigh. I think the cause is a good one just have having to run into people like Brownie of Stephen. I cannot live cotinuing avoidance of these scions of beneficence. Just hate the awkward small chat, furtive looks at whom they are with and overall want to avoid any drama. I also want to avoid becoming a recluse. I enjoy my weekends and the relaxation.




Two more weeks

I will be getting my teeth cleaned soon. Love the feeling!


Hot...hot ...hot

Today it hit 100 and I worked on my files for TP continuing students and seeing if they are eligible to transfer.


Please don't Piss me off!

Feeling better about the JW fiasco.


About JW

Two weeks ago I had a sad visit that would have not even passed off for a date. Jeff the Murse, got my work number as well as my cell as I invited him over for a movie. I told Murseboy that I would go Work out until 7 and then I would CALL HIM. The Datechallenged boy called me at work repeatedly, then drove to my house and waited for me around 6 or 6:30. I got home and got his call. It seems he had been on multiple dates as of recent and left my cell at home. LOL! But the plot thickens and gets funnier...

When he came over and he was barely in the door when Kelly and I saw an opportunity for a fun and an innocent prank. Kelly pretended to be a job applicant for a nude housecleaning service as I played along I asked the humorless fellow Jeff to sit down and allow me to conclude the interview. I asked Kelly the twink if he always wore boxers briefs or was he willing to consider wearing thongs while cleaning the house. Kelly smirked devilishly and said that special request were extra but he was willing to accomodate.

At this point we let Jeff into the joke, he was not amused. I guess the murse (He is a male Nurse on disability) did not see the fun in the situation. He then asked Kelly if he was wearing make-up, that was mean and unecessary. Kelly was crushed and soon thereafter left with Izzy who called me and said "no te lo quedes". (NOT A KEEPER!!!) The evening only got into a steady decline. I spent the evening making inconsequential chat and looking at the clock on my wall say tick tock. At one instance I was quizzed about NC history and got 110%. I do have an IQ above 140.

Jeff insisted that I never gave him my cell and I quickly said sir you are in error. Finally he asked to smoke and that was my moment for a graceful reprieve. Izzy and Kelly were on call in case this guy turned to be a psycho. The time was well past 11 PM at which time I asked him nicely to get and go! No kissing or anything else took place. Do not kiss smokers they make me wretch.

Two days pass. Jeff calls me at work and begins apologizing over losing my phone and arguing about the issue the other night. Soon I imagine to myself he'd be planning our nuptials. I had to stop his silly ass, but not until Jeff explained that he would stop smoking. That was the straw that broke the camel's back. I asked Jeff that perhaps in all matters it is best to get a dayplanner the do help keep your dates, hookups and screws quite tightly organized.

About the smoking, not my bag baby. If you toke, smoke or inhale I will not kiss you 'nuff said. Jeff was mean and for me that was the worse part, cute but mean is hard to get past. Jeff also has a 16 year old and as all my friends know kids and I do not mix. I told him that in all best laid plans children should go away at 5 to boarding school and not return only but briefly to collect their trust fund and thusly dissapear. Shear silence on the other line of the phone.

That evening I called my favorite buttboy and had him thoroughly lick me from head to toe, sure helped get rid of JW and his awful Karmic disentery. Last night I was chatting with one of my regular chattees' and he mentioned JW and his claims about sleeping at my place. JW is a delusional fag who needs a clear concept of reality thus, consider this ditty your epilogue.


After Lots of Rest

I went to the office and had an excellent day. Finished advising the lost 6 students who did not show up for Orientation. Taking July 30- Aug. 3 as vacation time and finish off all my work and painting in the house. Melissa's cat bit me and I think that Boy has to get his teeth cleaned they look almost like the teeth of a British man.



I like you, wish I knew you better. Not just carnally but spiritually. You make me laugh and I enjoy our chats.



I did not answer my phone. Worked out with Izzy. Rested all day.



Long week and I am looking forward to relaxing and staying put.


Students Arrive

En mass my new students have arrived. I am very happy a new batch.
ast years lessons and mistakes are past. Time for renewal.


Swamp Ass not so nice


It is brought to you courtesy of Swamp Ass.


Watching My Diet

I miss eating at MC Donalds. T-1 day before all the new students arrive. I am looking forward to this new batch.


Sting Sexiest MOFO alive

For the longest time I have had a serious crush on Sting, the Police lead singer. It was 1983 when I first saw him sing Synchronicity on MTV. I was in lust and Love all wrapped in one. An overflowing and amazing feeling of elation overtook my senses when I saw him in Concert in Miami. The Blond bob of hair flowed in the evening. Soon thereafter I saw him in DUNE, the horrid movie by David Lynch... It was the second to last scene and he took off his stillsuit to fight Usul... Oh dag he made me skip a heartbeat!!

This weekend was wickedly quiet spent some time in dealing with Boy the wonder piss dog. Punished him and let him sit outside. He know is in the AC enjoying a cool day.


Day of Most Serene Peace

Woke up real late ate breakfast and had some kickass coffee, got my head chopped at the local sports cuttery. Izzy and Billy had lunch then we were off to Target. Bought too much shit. I do love that Fraken Store.


Happiness is ...

Missed my first Artwalk in 6 months. Oh well. Went with Izzy to see Transformers after Dan took him to lunch the parallels of my fraked friendship with Brownie and Dan and Izzy are endless. David Black called to take me to the Bear Dinner but I just wanted to stay home and chill. The week was draining with my self eval at work and then the student critiques.


Friday Frak!

Got plans to eat din din with the girls anf off to a movie. I love the Ocean Movies. The girls unleashed the ugly reality that Memlimel has a job offer with her new company in Nashville Tennessee. That is a neat idea but it leaves me wondering if they are going to take the offer and run. I will be left here with Izzy and the crazy Dan.


Happy Birthday to all the bois in my life

Hoy es el cumpleanos de muchas de las personas que me me caen bien. Es el cumpleanos de Daniella, y Esteban y otras locas como Brownie. Lo raro es que de todas esas la unica con quien yo hablo es la Daniella. No hablo con esteban o la brown. Pero eso esta muy bien.


Happy Fourth!

Today is July fourth and I went over to Dave's. Izzy and I met Dani and Rog and we had a good time watched the patriot and in the middle of the movie Jeff with kids and smokes (murse) called. He is going to get real friendly with my VM.


Went to TJ's

Got Dan's pie and it looks so good! Cannot wait until tomorrow to eat. Edited TP web page and wo at the gym.


i want

My latest desire is to get rid of Sprint and get an I phone bus alas, my contract runs til Sept. POOP


Happy 1st of July

It is almost the Fourth and i have no plans Yipee!