
My favorite T-shirts

I want to wear these at work but I know so much better not too but they really rock!


Colors of the Mountain

Getting paid full time wages and benefits to read literature and develop a plan of study & curriculum has to be a racket. I cannot believe how blessed I am to get paid to do what I love and enjoy. It is almost a year since I moved to NCState and I cannot fathom why I did time at the Aug. Things here are so good: Deb Waller, arquette Russell, Dr. Washington, Dr. Maher, Dr. Powell and dawn are all here. I love State and how they take care of the students, the business and no drama.



Had a quiet weekend. No professions of a higher love. Had din din at Melissa's and Kathy's. Bad attack kitty in the house. The rest of the week I will be looking at GPA's and who can be saved.


Memorial Day

Izzy did cut the grass. Quiet Peaceful day. Did little to entertain myself. Saw repeats of Run's house. Got e-mail from Adai. Not much to comment on.


Dia De Los Boys

Saw two movies. 28 weeks later, awesome gorefest. Shrek, the turd. Had fun but Shrek was too long. Then had din din at Black's, Saw Letters from Iwo Jima. It was ok. Slept deeply. Dreamt about Brownie. Nothing scary.


hola granola

Saw movie with the girls. The pirates were fab. Slept in early.


The Dedication

Yesterday the building was dedicated and I realized that I was frustrated with the situation that I am facing for the next year. The court date is set for June 2 and i really wish I did not have to deal with this bullcrap, the reality being that unlike Brownie who washed his hands. I am in the midst of the maelstrom and have to face the music.
The difficulty being all the stress and hassle this case has caused me. I think that my trip around NC was a good break away. I am thankful that I have the best friends in the world.


La Conclusion

La conversacion con Adai me sono muy comica. El chico que el desea no le da el tiempo del dia. Pobrecita, me dio una pena infantecima. Despues de despojarse de mi, el consiguio a otro. no estoy deprimido de la situacion pero me satisface saber que el no sabe lo que quiere. Asi que lo mantengo como un companero de ejercisio y nada mas. Su modalidad de pensar es mu imaduro y no quiciera involucrarme con ese tipo de persona.
En la oficina bote todas las cajas que las dos personas crearon durante mi partida en Carolina del Norte. Dormi como morfio me dio un beso. Ya no puedo imaginarme estando con Adai me da un poco de asco. Izzy va de regreso hoy y no puedo esperar para verlo.


WO without mercy

Yesterday was an OK WO Mr. Adai had little to no energy. I guess he was tired from work or the life Drama. I was happy to have had the opportunity today to present my experiences on the bus with the members of DUAP. I think I really enjoyed Dr. Conway asking me to address my peers and directors in the division. Boy needs a bath, stinky little rat dog.


Working out Partner Alive

Had a good day with coaching had to leave it for 1/2 a session it got too intense. Chatted and WO with Adai. He found a new boi ty. Gave him his Otter & honey.


Not Making the Office

I went to a a training coaching session. Wo not an Adai in sight. Suspect he's find something to entertain his ADHE. Worked out.


Tired and recharge

Ohh I am getting recharged and I have been lazy. Rested


Sleeping Dogs Lie

Not a peep from Adai. Stayed in all weekend.


Last Dance: Day Five

Went to an Elementary school after a good night's rest. Ate breakie with the Provost a nice guy. First time I met him. The Perquinas school left an indelible impression of how good you can educate a small group of children if you have unlimited resources. Won the Rat race, a little contest that created 4 teams out of the trip participants. We did not cheat. Went to Vollmer farm had a great time picking up fresh organic strawberries.


The Longest Day:DAY 4

Good sleep last night loved the hotel. Visited Seymour Johnson. The best visit by far. Sat next to Jason. He's a pretty cool guy for a prof. Nice arms too.Went to Sommerset Place. Very sad history there. Saw ghosts: two kids one slave. Visited Edenton and went to the hotel hungry.


Day Troisieme

Love my Mari. Today the schedule was manageable. Went to Jordan lumber looked crazy with glasses and hat. Went to the Zoo saw the family. Exhausted. Slept well. No ghost in the Hapton Inn.


Trip Day two

Had a nice breakie at the in on the road by 7 AM. Rolling to Haldex and it was intersting. I felt it was a long visit. Lunch was well not bad. I ate with David and met Jason. It was a nice lunch. Maritza and I sat together for the rest of the ride today. She's still afraid of the ghost at the at the Brookstone Inn. Stoped at American Effird they make thread and I enjoyed the visit. We then headed to Bolt In Charlotte. The chief designer is a cool cat. I ejoyed this visit. Got to the Hyatt, did not seem so bad. Hooked up with Davey after the Alumni reception


The Journey Begins

Left Raleigh went to SAS in Cary. The presentation involved stats and mathematical deduction. It hurt my head. The bus is comfortable. Sat with David he is a PE instructor of Tennis & badmigton. He used to be nationally ranked but he's not anymore. After SAS ran of to a middle school. The visit was OK nothing really that impressive, lunch meats were consumed yum! Sat with Maritza. She's a hoot.
Went to Tangion and this was the best visit of the day. Saw a genetically engineered bladder. That was cool. had din din in Old Salem.


Tomorrow the Trip of A lifetime

Took Pat over to Blacks we had a fun meal.


Working out and Rest

Worked out and rested for trip.


La Parte Segunda

Anoche termine mi conversacion y tambien me disculpe por mi comentario de que me daba pena haber pasado noches con Adai porque era tan suelto. La perte dificil fue que no fue protegido y eso es estupido. Tambien hablamos de no continuar viendonos como amantes pero mas como amigos y compatriotas de ejersicio. Creo que el no tenia una critica de mi. Yo fui un caballero.



Ayer despues de fallar por una segunda instancia para llegar al gimnasio, Adai me dijo que se durmio. Ahora tengo que tomar el momento para hablarme no seria un buen amigo si no le digo que me ha molestado un poco su manera de fallar. Pero en eso hay mas, Tambien le tengo que decir sobre su manera de comportarse en nuestro viejo. Me dejo, pues, sorprendido despues de meterse co Lyam.
No tuve analysis completo hasta mi retorno. Me dio pena que se metiera con un chavo que no le importa un comino de Adai.


Ready for Trip Across NC

After my stomach upset yesterday. I was back early in the AM and did all my grades entered them carefully into the Records and Registrar site. Spoke with Dr. Steplight and it seems like trouble at the Aug continues. Sad really. I picked up my CINQ binder and I am ready to roll across NC. Today is Blackwell's B-day.


Je suis poisone

Food poisoning of the worst type. Things are coming on both ends.


Pax Requiescat

I had an icredible weekend full of fun, new friends and discovery. I know that I know myself, and still have that sparkle in my eye that I lost after dating Brownie. I saw him this morning on my way to get coffee, funny, I have no real idea as to what he's up to.

I am listening to a composition by Phillip Glass: Metamorphosis 1-4. Incredible piano work. A simple composition with celestial characters, crescendos and warmth.
I had so much fun I was sad to have to leave. Adai also enjoyed himself. Finally, Rog and Ino brough Boy, my pup home and we sat down and fell asleep sorta like Adai and I after his wild cavorting. Its nice to have friends. I am now still mulling over the case and know that the clock is ticking. Do I step up or avoid the reality that I face. Hard to tell today after such a great weekend.


Le Bon Temps termine

Driving back to Raleighwood. Bit sad. Wish it did't end. Lost my new bracelet.


Incestious little Beach

So I get there to Myrtle my hook up turns to be a nonono. he mistakes my name and number and then he cannot even talk. however after that it got soo much better. Adai and I shared a bed it was funny, he makes a great body pillow and he knows it. Met Dan pocket cub. He speaks spanish almost flawlessly.


Myrtle BCH

Having fun in Myrtle Beach.


Spoke with Izzy

He wired the money to the bank and Izzy made good for the hassle.


Headed to Bearfest

Looking to have a good time and enjoy myself. I am not going to worry about anything but myself. It is how it needs to be.


Not a Cheat

Adai is holding my attention. Many inquiries for date but I sorta like the boy. we hung out all night last night and today. He is a good egg.