
New Years Eve

I went to church and spoke to Mom!


Wanted to See a Pic

Rocky is not an option. Saw night at the Museum, cute and silly going to church with Kathy. Went to the NCState blowout against UNC Wilmington. 71-4? sad!! Had fun!


Not in the mood

Not amused nor willing to understand why I cannot access my Administrative account from home! Knobs on doors changed!


Princess Banana Hammock!

I worked all day at Boiders Fun! Nothing like the smell of a bookstore at 9 am. By the way my feet were killing me. I ran to Target at lunch to get some cool door knobs for my place since Brass is out and nickel is in. I helped Dan get into wake tech. I also ran into Gracie my favorite Proctor. She runs a tight ship! Ate a lovely Din din with Brownie at five star and we celebrated our 2 years of knowing each other. LOL! At to believe it all began with a hook up. Who would of known??!?!?


Stand By me

Borders redux and the boys are back!


Boy Still Achy

Boy is still miserable due to vet visit will not let me touch him.


Merry Christmas to All!

I awoke at 7 AM and felt anew and happy it is Christmas. My first in a long time feeling happy and excited! I made a lovely breakfast and ate sumptuously watching tv, then i took a hot shower and called mom and wished her a merry christmas. I then called Brownie and he answered. Soon thereafter Izzy awoke and he did his laundry like a sunday! I ended the day by going to a fellow church members home Barb and her lover we had dinner it was so nice. Overall a beautiful Christmas Day!


Back to MCC

I had a great day Breakfast, boy next to me and I prepared for my return to MCC. I was welcomed and made to feel at home. I missed it. Had lunch at home and took Izzy to Crabtree, ran into Kevin and Lee. Came home and made me some TJ ribs. Yum!


Lunch with Brownie Din Din with Myself

I worked a little on shopping, making the house up and really enjoyed a nice salad and Pizza with Brownie. A year gone and the friendship is now two years old. He seemed at peace almost happy! I went to BJs got my tires rotated and my oil changed and had dinner with Kathy.


Loving NCSU

I did a half day at work and it was all good. 10 of my students are on Dean's List and about 15 made AW. We hired Jonesey, this was as a Proctor. I worked Borders it was not soo bad. Slept with Boy.



T-5 days and counting. I definitely need to finish my christmas list arrghH!
I took Boy to the vet and they told me to change his diet and fatten him up i am going to feed him what I eat. He has been achy and lethargic. Called Brownie set lunch for Saturday.


Clearly You Jest

Not a beep from Brown. Spoke with Joel yesterday not a good day for the poor thing. Worked Borders busy and crazy. Got all my grades in now time to write the letters of praise and shame.


no lo creo

Hace 10 anos de la muerte de Diana. 10 anos atras yo vivia en Chicago y mi novio en Champaign. No tengo novio. Esteban me escribio hoy para decirme que alguien me estaba buscando. Le desee una feliz navidad. Las locuras de Dan se continuan a proyectar por su comportamiento.


Excellent Weekend

Mi amigo Joel se quedo este Viernes pasado en la casa. nos dormimos en la mismo cam, pero no cerre el ojo. Quizas despues del mono no pueda confiar a otro hombre en mi suenos. Quizas algun dia. Escuche de brownie el mismi dia. Tiene familia en la ciudad.


Voy de Visita

Quiero enfrentarme a la Iglesia!


No Se nada

Pues hoy va a venir Mike para arreglar mi pared en mi ducha. Necesito que la pintura en la pared no se pele. Le di $100 para que se arreglase la pared. Ojala haga un buen trabajo.

Trabaje en BORDERS hoy no he escuchado una pizca de Brownie.


Grade Distribution

This fall I had 41 students in my orientation class. Two sections and an average of 20 students give or take one per section. The grades breakdown as follows:

14 A
6 A-
3 B+
3 B-
2 C+
1 C
1 C-
2 D+
2 D-
3 F
3 IN
I had to give 3 F's because the students simply refused to do the work. This is rare but the choice was made and I am impressed by the grades of some of my students. Due to lack of attendance to the class lab students could loose between 5% - 20% of their in class average. I had to apply 20% loss of grade to only three students. I am excited about next semester and the potential of my students.


Brown out

I haven't heard from my friend Brownie. Pat won't call and Melkat did not return my call. Is it something I said??? I promise to shape my brows...


You go grrrll!

Went to Borders last nigh busy as hick! I mean heck! Anyhoo I do not see the holiday season going well peope were impatient and moody. As a friendly and helpful bookseller let me tell you of a few of my checkout pet peeves. Get your sheet together before getting to the register:

This means items to be bought, customer loyalty card and coupons in hand, Get off the dagum phone and please do not look back at the people in the long line and say I guess I should get more organized to check out~! It will make your chekout quicker and more expedient if you are ready to conduct business. Ohh and yes figure out your financing before you get to the register. Last night I watched a couple fumble credit cards trying to figure out which had the best rate.


Back in Miami

I recall my cousin Doris always wanted implants and this sign depicts the worse that could happen when she would go on vacation to Aspen. She always said they felt funny at higher altitudes. LOL! Sorry Doris, I never knew!!


Gabba Gabba

It hard to imagine me being quiet but all day today my boss yabbed and talked the day away!!


Its not like that!

Time flies and Roger celebrated his newest birthday. We had a lovely diner at Blackwell's and then went home and sweetly fell asleep after a carb ladden meal.


Holiday Stuff Purchased

I got Dan's stuff anf Rogers. Still looking for MelKat and Izzy.


Holiday Shopping this weekend

I got Dan's fire screen, Brownies microwave, Connie's Toys, Rufus Toys and I will get the girls their gifts!


Borders Norders

Working with the Borders staff tonight. Had dinner with Brownie caught up.


Say Grace

Getting and gathering my annual donation of no longer worn clothes for the shelter.


Restful & Peaceful Evening

I was home alnight. Relaxing and watching tv with Boy. My congestion is cleared.


The Holidays are upon us

The fun of this weekend fails to compare to the boredom I suffered this weekend borders, then ran off to Trader Joes.


The Weekend Cometh

It is finally friday, I am tired and cannot believe that this week has been so long. I have too horrid cases pending until monday and the students must be sactioned by monday!