
Imminent Threat

I awoke to killer allergies. Tis the season to be itchy falalalalala. Took two Ben A Drills and I felt cloudy all morning hate the allergies hate the meds. Around 10:30 Sybil came by and introduces our new intern. Truly I thought she jests but she was serious. Crazy begets crazy and nothing more. One of My frosh students "PG" comes to me this morning after repeatedly missing his final from last semester. I informed him that due to his lack of follow up, the letter grade of "F" stands unchallenged for the Fall 05 semester and that he had a week to submit work for the lab class which was soon to end in a letter grade of "F".

PG smiles and tells me that he knew this would happen. I reminded him of the four e-mails and the various pieces of registered campus mail that I sent him reminding him of the deadlines to switch over grades. Amazingly "PG" said yes sir, Mr. Morell, I know you tried to warn me, but, I was being hard headed and chose not to do the necessary work to earn my grade, now I am in your office doing exactly what I didn't want to do and asking you to give me something for nothing... it just ain't right, I am sorry.

"PG" thanked me for my time and turned around to leave my office. I stoped him and told him he had another week to complete the lab community service hours, but that the "F" would stand for the class for the fall and he had to re-take it next semester. He was thankful and left.

Izzy is asking to borrow my car I said no for a second time, Hate to do it but I don't need to loose my car too. Spoke with Mom last night about the pending trip to Florida, I need Blackwell to fix the plans for departure not sure if we are flying or driving.


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