
Happy New Year 2


Happy New Year!!!


Let's do Lunch

Had a lovely lunch with Brownie. It was our 1 year anniversaire. To friendship!!
We made fun, we have turned into ladies who do lunch. Brownie you are no lady dear. Spoke with Rog, he is doing well. I am soo happy for him new house, boy and job. Thank God!

Got late to Borders but made up the time through lunch.


Saw Brownie

Came into Borders today will do Breakfast tomorrow. He's going to court and I will go to have breakfast with him for moral support. He seemed distant and very distracted. I hope he's staying off the liquor. Got my police reports. Worked at Borders. Quiet tonight. Spent most of the day trying to figure out how to install my new kitchen faucet.


Olive the other Reindeer

Today boy performed at Borders as Olive the other reindeer. We had a blast and so did the kids. I bought the whole series of Battlestar Gallactica. Cannot wait until January 6th for the new episodes.


Looking for Losers

So I meet this guy in chat and he turns out to be a real sad kinda guy all on atidepressants and shit like that. Anyone normal out there?




t-1 Day and counting

Christmas eve approaching. Got Dinner planned. The Saw brothers ran off to Atlanta, Had Dinner with Black.


Day two of retail madness

Lotsa crazies in the aisles. Willian to buy anything. Sad really.


Back to Work

Tonight I worked at Borders. I am doing the Holiday hours per my request fairly boring and mundane but it will help with the pass of time. Met Brownie exchanged gifts. I loved the Aveda stuff. Smart man.


Last day at work then off to..

work at BORDERS. Today is the first day of winter! Yipee!


Sweet Little Lies

Today we've been told that potemtially all PT instructors are to be terminated. Yikes! Now who's going to assume their work load.... rumors say we are going into the classroom to teach. This is a sight to be seen. Academic affairs staff teaching english composition. Say it ain't so Stevie!


Holiday Parties

Its nice being the sober one at holiday parties. Not only can you enjoy the going ons but you can reflect on the crazy behaviors. Today I made my famous meatballs for the holiday party. They seem to love them. Just the right ammount of fat and BBQ sauce for all.


Darth Maul Loves you Baby

Long week Happy it is over. I feel like this week flew by. I had dinner with Brownie and told him that Santa was coming. He had this cool aw shucks face. Worked til 2:30 am doing inventory in the Borders.


Boy is Crazy

The dog tired of his punishment so he tried to run away. He undid his tether and ran down the street two blocks down the road. Boy was sniffing and as happy as he could be with the long tether dragging behind him. I really think he's crazy. The good thing is that he's learning to do his business outside when it rains rather that indoors which is rather nasty if you ask me.


Same Cough Different Color

My cold persist. I think I have walking pneumonia.


Doggie Punished

Mr. Boy got up last night and decided to poop on my nice bathroom rug, this happened immediatelty after me taking him out. It was as if Mr. Boy didn't want to go out in the cold to poop. He though that I was going to hit him but I did not, I just asked him to look at the mess and then proceeded to clean. Then I sent him to his crate where he proceeded to do the same. He never does his business inside his pen, maybe he was mad because I was hogging the whole bed or snoring too loud?? Who knows!! This dog wil be walked in the cold, rain and sleet with the appropriate gear, yes he has rain gear. No more pooping in the house.

Got docked three days pay for being out sick, I guess I used all my sick hours. I had extra money sitting in my account anyhow so no major crisis. Worked Borders and it was busy. Lots of people shopping and getting books for their loved ones.


Dahrling be a deer!

Today I woke up still congested. Can I say ick! I am tired of this nasty little interloping cold. It is making me feel funky and I don't like funk. I have tried the dayquil/nightquil route as well as muscinex. I steam my head in the AM and PM and keep the house at a comfortable 68 degrees. What else do I need to do to get rid of this infernal cold?


Waiting for goo duh!

Work is slow can't wait for the winter break to begin!! While browsing the web I saw this building that looks like the new one being built near Crabtree.


Went to Work with The Crazies

I keep finding out stuff that I rather not. jonesey is bent on finding everyone we work with criminal record on the NC dot website. Its pretty funny, so far he's correctly ID five people who we work with and the charges range from Murder (tres Scary!) to well theft, larceny and enbezzlement. Here is my dream home in the moutains... near Ashville, NC. Got my grades in gave out six incompletes. I hate doing that but I rather give my students the benefit of the doubt. Lot's of doubts since they failed to turn in any work towards their final project. Perhaps they were sick or just decided not to do any work. Not good!


The Pleghm Flows under

Feeling better and went to a b-day party for my bud Roge had a good dinner cornish hens wild rice and such. Boy and Connie met they seemed friendly to each other but you know how alpha Connie can be. Gave out a shoutout to Brownie, he's been busy cleaning. Here is a lovely museum done by Oscar south of Rio.


Fever Gone PLeghm Persists

Woke up at 4:47 am. Took a shower washed the ick off my lips, I am alive after 1/2 a wk of illness. Thanks to Melisssa and Kathy for the chicken soup. Ohh soo good, E-mailed Brownie but he was quite cavalier about my illness. I expected a response. I guess as a former debutante my tiara has lost some of its luster after the fling in the mud.


The Fever is Broke

I have sweat and thrown up all contents from my body. My forehead feels like a wet gummi worm. Washed all my linens, Tried to get the stench of sick off them. Called out from work, never been this sick, Not even working at Borders. I called work to get an extension submitting my grades.



Still sick no clear breakthrough cough is worse.


snotty snot not

I am sick like a snottfolofagus. My sinuses are jam packed witht he nice yellowing plheghm> I feel like crappy crap crap. Going to sleep.


What I am reading!

I am coming down with a nasty cold due to all this changing weather 50 one day 31 degrees another. Thank God for boy and the warmth he provides. Sweet little pup is like an incandescent furnace. I am reading a couple good books.


Great Day at St-Aug

My boss is out today, and the essence of the air is fragrant with intelligence and posibilities. It saddens me to say that her micromanagement has been suffered by all occupants of this small set of office suites. Called Brownie in the AM an wished him a good monday, he seemed truly happy to hear from me. Thank me for his special spectrum lamp.


Aeon Flux

Interesting movie. I loved the action. Izzy and I has lots of popcorn and candy. Prior to that I had brunch with Brownie who had a bad night of sleep. His mood seemed improved after that. Walked boy again in the park. Very happy doggie. Will not go to court for support of Brownie. Will await for hi by Carolina Cafe.


Christmas Madness

Today I am working at Borders closing down the store. Lots of sales. Contacted Brownie had Lunch. He is well and i am busy trying to get Boy better used to being at home alone.


A HeaLTHY Dose of Crazy

Besides the crazy people in my life, work and family, I can't decide where I made the concerted effort to surround myself with this cabal of nuts. I need normalcy!!! Is that even possible?? The people at work are concerned with Christmas tree decorations to please the president, I am helping with testing because the testing coordinator is expected to be at three testing sites the same day. Brownie has determined that he is neurotic, I venture to say mildly psychotic with a bent for socipathic behavior.


Boy the Talking Dog

Last night boy Slept in the bed with me he seemed some sweet and placid. I hope he stops being so scared of everything it is sad. I am happy he has a good home. I had a nasty cramp and fell out of bed due to the pain. I am now hurting and barely able to get my leg going.