
Dani's Mom

Ms. Perlie is stuck in the dome in New Orleans. I asked if she had heard from here and the response was a sad no and then Dani began sobbing softly. I am praying for all the people in New Orleans.


The heat and Hardship

Simply incredible the looting and thievery going down in New Orleans.
Even in front of the police. The shameless wickedness of humanity 80% of the city is flooded and I see a person stealing a new TV from a Walmart. You have no electricity, you are swimming throughout the city and you steal a TV. DUMBASS!


Is it already Monday!

The weekend flew by. I had a good chat with blueyes yesterday.


Went to church then spent a minute with blueyes and Cleo pup. Helping Dan do some serious packing today.


Somehow I passed oUt!

Three tanquerays and lemon knocked me out tonight. I don't remember eating nor getting home but by miracle and Grace of God Izzy and Dan Dan grebbed me and dragged me home. Maybe i was a bit upset at moving on so quickly from Markus.


For Markus


don't understand why we can't just hold on
to each other's hands
This time might be the last if fear unless
I make it all too clear
I need you so.
Take these broken wings
And learn to fly again
learn to live so free.
And when we hear the voices sing
The book of love will open up and let us in.
Take these broken wings -
I think tonight we can take
what was wrong and make it right.
it's all I know
that you're half of the flesh @c
And blood that makes me whole
need you so.
So take these broken wings . . .
Let us in - let us in -
it's all I know
That you're half of the flesh
And blood that makes me whole
So take these broken wings . . .
Take these broken wings . . .


Mickey is Gone

The cleaning lady took my Gerbil away. She will be better able to provide fo Mickey. I will miss her so. As for Markus the question to ponder lies within Bear 411. What's up with that?


Took a Day off!

My thoughs are many I have believe things to be that weren't. I have aske many times and yet the feeling is not there. Why Why?


Why you messing with me

As I told someone last night I am not a well woman. Today I was in a great mood and my little work elf tried to get me mad and as always she pissed me off. Is it posible that this wench knows how annoyingly impolite she is? Well perhaps not.


Monkey Mischief

I spent the day tring to instigate my boss into a fight but to no avail shes to tired to try. I had a wonderful afternoon with Markus and had Dinner with him ant Kev's and Lele's


Sinusituss attackus

Headache all day stayed in. Spoke with sweet Markus. He is so awesome like he reads my mind. Pretty cool!


Are there angels in heaven

Did MCAT testing goofed up the the time for a portion. Ohh Lord. I am so tired got some face time with Blueyes, ran off to Blacks and fell asleep. Too tired to tell.


Friday Here at Last

All week I waited for friday, a respite from a hideously horrendous week. I fell asleep so soon.


Boo Freaking Whoo!

The A/C broke in MLK while working registration. I am a sweaty monkey.


No Means No

How many times do you have to say no. This week it has been countless of times. The craziness persists. Now the football coach is advising. Argh! By the way his schedules are whack!


Uleash the Dogs of wAR

It has been a horrendous week with a little bit of pain for each day compounded. Registration is here.

I Wish

I had dinner with Lee and Kevin, It was nice to go to their place and play with Nouri. Markus has a cold. Spoke with Izzy about paying rent he was good with the idea. He did a fabulous job with the yard.


A Quiet Peaceful Sunday

Spent the day sleeping and resting, exhausted from the long registration hours. I do not have the energy to get my groove on. Spoke with Markus, he seemed to be doing well


The Living Dead

Slept like a log last night. My head hurts and we still have more students to register. Argh!!


A Long Days Work

Worked on Registration. Went to a party a Jonesies. Spoke to Markus about geting together. It will be hard on saturday, maybe sunday I'll see his sweet face. Need to collect the rug from Blueyes. Dan is buying a house.


A day late a dollar short

Today I found that I would not be offered the testing job because the administration knew I would turn it down. It makes me happy that I could avoid all the mess. It actually makes me fel relieved. I am so happy that registratin is here the new students arrived today and seeme to be a good group except for this rather rude football player who acts dumb. Izzy made it accross the border from Mexico no problemas.


Garden of Good & Evil

Another academic year begins today. What will it bring? All the changes in the past two weeks, what will they result in. Hopefully good. Registration is two days away and I need to replenish my energy.


Crazies at a distance Please

I cannot deal with Blueyes or Rog this week. Work is the focus and their sanity though questionable is unfortunately a backburner issue. I could be a bit worn from their lapses in sanity. Went to sleep early after doing a group presentation.


A very pleasant evening

Today Marcus came over and stayed the night. It was fun visiting with Keke and Lele the single most delightful couple I know. They are truly sweet men who have a simple and beutiful household complemented by Nouri their 8 year old son.


Speaking With Knowledge

Worked hard on my presentation for tuesday. I am presenting on group problem solving and moderating a group. I am wondering how it will go. It has been a while since I present.


A Quiet Saturday Afternoon

This afternoon I took a nap an dreamt of Markus.. This is a serious thing... SInce I normally sleep pretty deep and no memories persist. I am excited about him in my dreams. Sweet man.


Happy Birthday Milly!

Today is Millie's Birthday. She's decided to spend some more time in Puerto Rico. So far its been a month since she went to PR to deposit my uncle Joe's ashes in the family crypt. Pretty nice to know that I have a space already set aside for me next to my mom. Mom sounds relaxed and ready to come back.


Being Puertorican

I just found out that my co-worker jonesies Pa is from Puerto Rico. I kided him all day that we had and undercover Puertorican in the office he laughed all afternnon and later before leaving he said out loud: " I am coming out as 1/2 Puertorrican" Funny!


What is the Full Measure of LOVE?

How can you measure love and the inumerable moments in our lives that we share with our loved ones? In life we often find ourselves trying to measure the intangibles, things that do not truly posses a physical value. The emotion and Love that transfigures us that changes us. It has taken me thirty eight years to realize that Love comes in different forms, and types... All love which is true and to be of value is that which is unconditional; a love that does not judge. So I look at the things and people that I love... I love myself for the childish simplicity of my thoughts nad zest for life, I love my mother for she gave me live, I love my family because through thick and thin we are one, I love my chosen family because I have carefully gathered them around me for support and positive power and energy, I also Love God for his Kindness and patience. I love my new Lover Markus for his kindness and insightful nature. I also love all those past lovers who have taught me to love deeply, without conceit or anger.


I am hooked on Battlestar Galactica Help me

I was hooked in 1980 now again in 2005. Battlestar Galactica Rules!


My Workload is not heavy if it wasn't for all the frakken interruptions

The week is moving along everyone is on vacation. Markus is out of town and I am OK with all the work in the office but I couldn't get the Frakken computer to work. Arghh!