
Its mother is a Jackal

Boy the little monkey is feeling better. Still a bit jumpier than necessary. I am so happy I got the new TV it works beautifully.


Dogge is Sick

Boy injured his back and the vet said 2 weeks of bed rest.


Mea Culpa

See more Ron Howard videos at Funny or Die

I am soo guilty. I voted mistakenly twice for the wrong guy (Dubya) and its time to make it right. Watch the video and vote on Nov. 4th for the right guy.


Frak Fest

This has become one of my favorite words. Enjoy this sweet clip of Frakness.


Hot Mess of the Day

A hot mess is an expression used to identify an event or an act or even a person that defies convention and has proceeded to be just plain wrong, and obscenely inappropriate. Enjoy This Hot Mess of a Boy!


A love No Grander than thyne

So its been a while and my focus on my life has yielded some extraordinary results. I have found a love, the love that I dreamt about and so misguidedly sought in the wrong places. His name id Fred, Freddo, Frediriffic. The rub is simple he is in Maryland and I AM IN RALEIGH. Fred is intelligent, beautiful, caring and puts up with my lack of sanity. As for how I met him....I was online on Bear 411 and this dude comments on my pic, we start chatting and after many weeks...I screw on my courage and call him. He gave me his number the first night but heck I was so scared and wanted so much to hear him.
Funny he seemed familiar, a cohort to me, someone to talk to. Funny, I just never stopped talking to him, he is an incredible Juman like the ferengi would say! He actually gets me and when we first met it was magical. All the shites, I had to kiss to find this one arrgh! Today I come back to the blog to post because finally, I let him into my last secret my fraken blog.