
Trader Joe's

Today I went to Trader Joes to get some goodies. I love this store!


Three Strikes Bye Bye

Two days ago I met Jeff and I have decided to discontinue contact. Jeff has 3 strikes and I rather avoid a smoker, with a kid and who's mean.



Stayed home nice and quiet. Spoke with Jeff wants to be called Jefe.. LOL!


Working Out

Need to... have to... can do! After working out I had a date with Jeff, it was not so great.


Je ne suis pas une petit salope et vous?

I am amused because this guy asked me what that means. I told him I am not a whore are you? He got a kick off my profile and forthrightness. All is well my toe still hurts and it feels a bit angry hoping to heal real soon. Izzy is happy, Boy is Happy I am happy. We have a happy home and all is well.


The Collapse of Izzy

Izzy collapsed exhausted. Dani called and attempted to justify. Interesting. Toe bloody and broken. Got a date tomorrow.


Rough Awakening

I bet Izzy got 6 hours of sleep this weekend I predict full collapse on 6.25.07. Went to market saw Brownie's place looking good. Slept in rest of afternoon. Izzy snuck in a date with a new beau.



I got all my hours in. I am done. Now I get to enjoy the evening. I dropped a drill on my toe and broke it real good. Very painful. OW! Izzy bday was fun. Izzy in a rush ran off into the night to cause chaos. Came back at 10 am sunday LOL!


Lazy ass

Worked all day at habitat about to pass out. No dates this weekend. Nice to chill out.


Self Evaluation Day

Did my self evaluation did a serious job in considering all angles of my job. Rated mysel an overall 4 out of 5. Worked all day at habitat. Stopped by the office to drop off the laptop.


Worked four hours straight did my community service ooh the fun never ends. WO it was nice.


habitat cerre

Habitat was closed today so I couldn't volunteer. Woe is me. Started changing some of the storage items fixed the closet and slept in all day. It was wicked hot today.


De vacaciones en mi casa

Me quede en Raleigh para hacer mis horas de trbajo comunitario. Pero me levante con una flojera terrible y me quese en la casa hasta las diez despues me movi al sofa y finalmente me meti en muy carro a las 9:45 fui a habitat pero ellos estan cerrados los lunes Jajaja! Que tonto soy. Fui al gimnacio despues de ese fiasco!


Todo Sobre Mi Padre

Hoy estuve pensando de mi padre y reconosco que no me recuerdo mucho de el. El era un hombre cobarde y lleno de malicia. Pienso yo que nunca me quizo y eso me da mucha pena. Quizas eso es lo que busco en mi pareja un amor mas adulto.


Gave Boy a bath

Set up a date with Jay. Have a strong feeling that he'll cancel. I don't think we are compatible. Nouvelle rich country boy vs old established and comfortable. Noticed he waited for a hug... not feeling it. Volunteered at Habitat today. Jay called the date off. He seemed a bit ill and wanted to re-schedule in the future. I do not see any hope for that.



Feeling good today. It finally is Friday and the girls and I are going to see the Bulls.. Like them men's in thights and them footlong Kosher wienners. I finally gave up on Adam as a wo buddy. I guess he is more concerned of himself and what he can get up his bum. So I guess he is off the will. I am telling Melissa all about the lil situation.


Thank Goodness for the Fleet is In

Yesterday I met Jay nice guy. After my workout we met at Starbucks on Peace street.


When it Rains It pours

Got all these guys interested in me and its really flattering. I wonder if they would fight over me LOL! It has been a while since I have sex maybe they'll be a lucky winner this weekend. Did volunteer work at Habitat and I believe I am going to use my vacation time to volunteer some more. It does the soul some good.


Que Bonita Bandera

Did some serious cleaning in case of company. Saw the PR flag online and had to capture it. It is pretty. Jay called last night and we chatted online, Huebui is out of the running.


Happy Puertorican Day Parade

All the crazy nuoyoricans celebrated in NYC. I saw these kids and though of my cousins when we use to hang out on the street and wave the PR flag. Very Patriotic. WO no Adam in sight. New Guy Jay gave me two rings. Seems nice. Ernie called wants to hang out and so did Mark. Not feeling Mark a bit pushy if you ask me. Finally Huebui is asking for a sleep over, not feeling it either he's a smoker.


Moments of Love: Art of Noise!



Last night I ate dinner with Izzy & company. Interesting. I am headed to do my community service. I am happy I am doing Habitat for Humanity. I enjoy the organization and Christian bent.


Akademich Programen

Today I met with a few of my advisee's they seemed non plused as to the fact that they were suspended. One of them, asked me if I could help him change his grades. LOL! I do not have that power or ability. Sadly, these students failed to do any work or attend classes. How can they imagine that they can get an A for being cute! Some of them are not even cute. Today's dream trip: Venizia in July, the canals, then a trip to Fiorenza to see el ponte vecchio. Read the book by Da Chen, Colors of the Mountain.

Yesterday I had dinner with Adai. It was nice. Went and saw Brownies place it looked as a massive landscape project is underway. I guess he's getting rady to bolt..


Go to Get to the Other Side

Working out with Adam. Three is the lucky number. The weather today hit a nasty humid 93 degrees seemed like 102. I heard my boss ask me why I did not use the old program. I was using it at the time I was engaged on drawing data files for new students and did not want to mess my set up. Sorta was silly!



Going to workout again with Adam. Paid all the bill sniff miss the money. Taking June 18-22 as vacation time.


Summa Cum Laude

Rested well, worked out with Adam. Looking forward to resting tonight.


La Fuerza Del Destino

Court today.


Going to Relax with the Boys

Going over to Blacks' for Din Din.


Happy Anniversary

Today mark's my one year anniversary with NCSU.



Today I need to pay them bills. I hate this part of the month and I feel happy when I am done. Ta da!