
Crazy beatch

Britt get thee a hold of thyself. Worked out today again and my car is still not ready. Quit Borders.


Frak Just made this sheet up

Well I think all politicians lie. This is so discouraging.

Harry Peter

I found this pic and i cannot believe that he decided to branch out in such manner. It pissed me off to see my hero being so cavalier with his nude body to self promote his egotistical trip down Drury lane. The fantasies of a million children shattered upon the revelation that Harry Potter is a nasty, filty, peter shower.

He is kinda hot though.


Monday wk 8

My advisee's continue to plod forward just a few lost to their own academic follies.


Dawg he's cute

Hmm love them blue eyes!


Saturday Chilling

I am staying put for most of the day with my spoiled dog. might go out to Blackwell's intransportation is available.


Fracking Saturn

My car has been in the shop for three days, four more to go. God I miss the monkeymobile. Dan has been kind and driven back and forth to work. Frankye has worked with my transportation schedule and I finally left Borders.


Happy Chinese New Years

Hectic day today! La corte no resolucion todavia. espues de 17 meses. Que pena me da. Cene con Brownie el lunes, pienso mucho de el todavia.


Lo que me harta

I cleared my attic and trash a shitload of crap that I was saving for I do not know what. I finally threw away the shit Steve gave me as gifts PS1 .


La Edson

Ran into her on Friday 2.16 at Borders, se ha quitado las tetas y se ve bien. La pobre, me dio pena ver que mujer se ha puesto. Tenia un perm en su cabello.



I have come to the realization that my file keeping sucks. I couldn't find my car title. Argh!
A furry weekend after all. Boy is on Turbo shed. Hair everywhere. I had a weekend that was peaceful and quiet. Read my L'enfant book. Going to WORK out and the off to cook some din din.


J Vincent Crazy M@therfVker

This week I cut him off. After repeated attempts at being social this ass hule wants to ru my life. So I cut him off and I do not feel bad about it.


Brush the dawg

Went to lunch with Patrick. I feel like this kid needs a break, his job sounds outright rotten. Then went to Black's. I had an early morning with NCSU and work. I was the host for the panelist, break room. Oh so boring. Brownie called but I couldn't fit him in. Got home brushed the mutt!



Got two of them and they come well under the necessary $2,888. I think it will be Alright! Worked Borders closed the cafe. I am really tired of Borders and their lack of staff.


Insurance Calls

The insurance carrier of the other owner called they offered me 3,100K if I shut up or 2,888K if I keep the car and they have it fixed. Either way it doesn't make up for my distress! I paid insurance and the lady who hit me had insurance and I feel very raw at the dealings of the insurer's. Taught two classes, did the Borders thing. Helped in the cafe. I feel it is time to quit!


La Fete De San Valentin

Another Valentine's Day that I am single. One year ago I decided not to pursue or meet someone. Perhaps not the best course of action. Met a nice Bear I hope he is intersted.


Tripping NC

My application to go on the NCSU trip of NC has been approved by our dean.


Move over Monday

Had a chat with the isurance company a bit slow to respond. Finally I have an idea that my car won't be totalled over the accident. Heard from my friendly cub. Busy at work got all my student in for their initial visits.


The Queen

Love the Brits such character and strenght under fire. Interesting movie I still do not understand the 14 point buck allusion. Had din din with the boys paulie no showie since he is ashamed of being a nasty arsehole to me! Dame la cara! a spanish expression for give me respect and show your face. Called Brownie, hes recovering from pulling somethin, his back.


No Church today

Whipped from last night at Black and the car accident.
Last night a nice lady ran into me while she was turning straight on me at White Oak Shopping ceter. I freaked as ususal. Dan came to the rescue then we ran off to Nikos and had a lovely diner. On Sunday I went to Trader Joe's, the dinner with the boys.


A mess


Three More Days til BGS

I cannot wait for the newest installment of BGS. I am like a junkie. I am working Borders tonight.


Scarrier by the Minute

I need not comment


New Harry Potter Announced

Strangely enough this is not the correct picture but I got it off the web.



It was way too cold to go to work but I march along and got in on time. Made request for time off to travel NC.


Late to Rise

Slept in most of the AM. Izzy tiene un pretendiente nuevo el Bulgaro se fue. Fuimos al teatro and we saw VOLVER by ALMODOVAR. THen went to see Deramgirls.


Sat was Nice

I had lunch with Brownie. Good chat and magnificent Salad. Spoke to Cubaroo and we chatted for a while. Went to a midnight showing of Notes of a scandal. Dame Judi Dench rocked the movie. Went to sleep at 3 am finally worn from the day's activities.


a Cold and Dreary Night

Working Borders tonight!


Cold Front & Prince Charles/Camilla No coincidence!

I do not believe it is a coincidence that the frigid Brits are in the Northeast and we get a northeastern bit of bad cold weather!