
Oh Please

I am 48% Promiscuous.
Active but Bored
Sure I have had sex, but what's the big deal? I find it as a chore to keep my realtionship balanced. But if I had a choice, I'd rather watch TV or paint dry.

Got chocos for the nice people at work I hope they like. My mom is helping with the clutch which came out to $800. The replaced the clutch and a major engine mount which cause the vibrations to snap the clutch. It was over $500 in labor and $300 in parts minus the discoint that I got for being poor. The nice service man Patrick took pitty upon me. Called Brownie for a ride but Izzy showed so i cancelled Brownie. I spoke with him he seemed short. I hope he wasn't peeved.


This is so unlike me...

I am 75% Evil Genius.
Evil to the Bone!
I am pure evil. I lie awake at night devising schemes of world domination, and I will not rest until all living souls bend to my will.

Myclutch gave out ran to Saturn to get a quick repair quel nightmare mon frei!


Another Useless Test

I am 34% Geek.
Geek? Yes, but at least I got social skills.
You probably work in computers, or a history deptartment at a college. You never really fit in with the "normal" crowd. But you have friends, and this is a good thing.


Test Time

I am 41% Asshole/Bitch.
Part Time Asshole/Bitch.
I may think I am an asshole or a bitch, but the truth is I am a good person at heart. Yeah sure, I can have a mean streak in me, but most of the people I meet like me.


Day of Rest

The crew at my office wants me to go to a going away party! They scare me in a good way!!


Free at Last

Yesterday was my last day at the Aug. i will miss my students and fellow staffers. It was a fun four years but I am off to a better institution and hopefully i will get to go to NACADA as well as get me a PhD while serving my students.


More NYC


New York Photos

This is NYC


2nd day Wasted on Registration

Sat at the empty registration table. I met with six students all day. A true wasted set of resources. Three advisors without any students to advise. The old bat was out the two days of registration and when she got back she tells the secretary no students for her. She really is not suited to be an advisor. Sad true. Made an effort to contact my friend Brownie man, no response, he's way too busy and headed out of town. Met a charming man on the web, will go out on wed. A date at last!!

I am 23% White Trash.
Not at all White Trashy!
I, my friend, have class. I am so not white trash. . I am more than likely Democrat, and my place is neat, and there is a good chance I may never drink wine from a box.


Back in Town

NYC the big apple rtn to work tomorrow final week Yeah! Had a safe flight back. Izzy took the car, and Boy seemed ok.


Flying and having a Peaceble day

NYC allday


The Voices are Silent

It has been two months since I heard a peep from my boss. I think her meanness is contained Huzzah!!


Vuelo a NYC

Cuando llegue a nyc me la paso con mi tia Maria.


Mi Oficina

He limpiado mi oficina de todo personal. Se ve muy limpia.


Pagare de los Billets

Pagare $500 dolares para los billets. Creo que este mes va ha ser apretado.



Anoche vi el perfil de Bob en el oso411, lo que no entiendo es primero me dice que me quiere Y me desea pero despues dice que no tiene tiempo y necesita sortear su vida. La verdad es que no se que es la verdad muy confundido co ese character. Llame a Brownie pero no tengo respuesta, el parece que cuando le conviene me llama pues que se coja por el saco asi que no lo llamo mas.


Bible Beating Done Easy

Had a lovely canddlelit supper with Mr Bucket, I mean Black, Dan and Rog. The pea soup made from scratch was delightful. I also enjoyed the chicken madeira. Izzy and Inno are out and about. Boy and connie got along fine. Yesterday, I Got another e-mail from Bob, explaining details. Sweet but truly uneccessary saw you on bear411 take good care. Call me when you are ready for reality.



Had a nice day. Got an e-mail from Bob, and it is concluded what never truly began. I am happy to know more about what lies behind the person than the clear facade that we claim to hold so tenously. I blew off Brownie thinking that this would be the day, bus alas it was not to be. I called mom the phone was out darn Florida fires. She loved her gift. I guess the old lady does like saphires and diamonds. Last year I sent her pearls she said they were too small. she really is funny.



This is the begining of the end of days for me. My freshmen are graduating and a new chapter begins in our lives. It seems like yesterday that a sad dejected HR junkie left the corporate world and went back to higher ed to redeem his soul. I feel accomplished. In four years I have helped 123 students get off AP and a great number of them are graduating. I have also decided to announce that effective June 1st I am no longer here as a staff member.

It has been a decision based on my personal and professional needs and I believe my desire to get my PhD has fueled me even further. I am looking forward to my new assignment and working with a stellar team and a true desire to serve the people of NC.



My favorite student got commissioned as a 2nd LT today. I was so proud of Andy!! Working Borders tonight. Still do not like.


I want to go to Charleston, SC

I have to work Borders tonight dreading the event feel like calling out but that only serves Jon,I will work the cafe stay out of his venue. I really don't enjoy working there anymore. I wonder why I keep doing it...

I want to run away to my hearts soul... Charleston sc



Cleaned the pollen off my office furniture. Got an awesome text from Bob, Thanx! Went to the gym worked with Izzy. Dan dan called about David bday, I feel bad that I am so busy but hey it is commencement. Met with one of my Frosh advisees, she got into DePaul. I am very proud of my students who are graduating this year. It feels like a full circle has been completed.
Called memlimel asked for a FDP, joining the Franklin day planner coven LOL!


Jon is a Jerky treat

Jon alledged that I made a remark about Ruben Stoddard and acused me of interjecting his chat with someone else. It is geting stupid. I asked Gary to take me off the schedule with Jon.

I had a horrible feeling about Borders tonight first night back after the stupid incident. I felt like quitting, but I am going to remain and request re-scheduling. Jon and I are not to be together. I think his accerbic wit and mean demeanor are a turnoff for me.



I am in the office listening to the purchasing of Coach bags. Lord! The same inane banter from the lady next door continues for year three. You would think that she who arrives daily 30-45 minutes late would be more productive. She seldom meets with students ever since she became one of the divine nine on campus. I am so happy that changes are forthcoming. Worked out and then went home and went to sleep with Mr. Boy. Watched tv passed out.


Bought Some Goodies

Yesterday i indulged in retail theraphy. I feel better now. Saw a movie with Pat and got messages from BOb. It was nice to hear that we were on the same page. Bob
I like you lots..


Testing , I swear its the last time LOL!

SAT in the AM
Brownie Lunch
Nap/shopping new clothes or WO
Dindin with MelKat


Last Night

Dear Gary,

I want to make you aware of an incident that occurred with John on 5.4.06 at 8:05 PM.

He verbally assaulted me, openly on the sales floor and then proceeded to threaten me with loss of employment in front of several customers and Michael. At 8:05 P, Jon approached me and told me: "Get To The Register!" in an angry and intimidating tone. Ursula witnessed this exchange. I was at the time clearing the desk of magazines that Ursula had just brought over - I took a minute to walk w/Ursula to the magazine racks and helped her see that putting up the magazines up was not so difficult* (*She thought it was really hard, I took this as a teachable moment.)

Prior to this I had been shelving and I was specifically paged by Jon to main information. He used my first name. I proceeded to help the three Latino customers who had multiple requests for books on black magic. I also took them to the section and found several titles they were looking for-Necrinomicon, Book of Witchcraft.

I was approached by Jon and told to go to the registers. I told him I would be there shortly. It was my understanding that was not Jon's place; neither was it necessary to be belligerent on the sales floor. I proceeded to finish shelving the magazines. I repeat the incident in writing.. I was startled by his angry demeanor and intimidating tone. I went to info, collected my belongings, Jon said "You'd Better Get To Register's!" I asked him to please return two items that I was going to put on hold and that is when Jon threatened me by saying: "I am calling HR on you and all you do is chat...Running Your Mouth!!"

Normally Jon is very polite & professional and a bit of a kidder-
Jon was not kidding and proceeded to go on a verbal Rant* (*Which I tried to ignore , but did not). I asked Jon not to speak to me in that manner - Jon's voice was raised and I heard Michael ask us to stop and I stopped and went to the register at 8:10 p. I apologized to Michael for defending myself from Jon's verbal abuse.

Prior to this incident I had observed Jon to be belligerent towards Nekeye and Phil and on a rare occasion he would do some passive/aggressive pages to main information-
Specifically when I was shelving. This has been observed by Sharon, Jon will page me to info when I am with a customer or shelving near info in full view.

I do not work well with hostile or abusive people. I deem Jon to be such. Therefore, I would like to tender my request not to work with Jon- He is belligerent and has some anger management issues based on my 12 years of counseling and four years in HR. It is a liability to have on the floor a person who verbally abuses fellow employees and acts emotionally belligerent. I am neither encouraging nor making a specific recommendation, just trying to make you aware how I felt and how uncomfortable Jon makes me feel. He has abused his tenure/expertise.

I want to praise Michael for remaining calm and professional, however his response was deferential.

( I am at work from 7:45A until 5P, with lunch 12;30-1:30P)

My Concerns:
-Jon's attitude and threatening demeanor.
-I do not desire to work any shifts with Jon until he seeks counseling.

-Jon not being flexible w/duties I have had to wait 15-20 minutes occasionally to shift change from reg to info because someone is getting a smoothie (Jon), forgot their location, Border's is a relaxed work environment were peers should be respectful.

-Using first names and paging to specific sites, what is the policy about that...??

-Jon acting in a supervisor's role and feeling OK to play schoolyard bully policing fellow employees. Reprimanding, me info rant of Ursula was unnecessary or there was no need to threaten me with HR action in front of Michael..

-Jon often grabs people's holds without checking the filled out card/dates and pertinent info per your policy established earlier this year. I have witnessed how Jon will take hold's off before their time off the employee shelf. Retail is detail. He pays little to no attention to the writing on these holds.

This is upsetting. He then proceeds to stack all returns on the desk, and the leaves the register to collect magazines, stacks them up further as if to fill the info desk for me ...I consider this strange since I have not observed him to do this with other employees. I understand we can not change people's behaviors but these are observable actions that should require some coaching.

Finally & in retrospective,
I am responsible for my actions. I did not need to respond to Jon. I did feel personally attacked and I have learned through cross-cultural counseling training and personal experiences that in the case of Jon; it is not desired to back down, this is perceived as weakness. I did not back down and held my grown. In hindsight, I do believe that I reacted in the moment and I should have just taken my frustrations and concerns to Michael. This did not occur and I am embarrassed by my actions. I feel as if I played into emotions rather than rationality.


Feeling better

Cleaned office of Pollen



eXHausted Pollen attacks again


I am soo Excited

Last night we had a Doggie playdate with Connie. Boy had a great time he was exhausted and fell asleep early this morning I found his mark of pee on my bed dust ruffle not happy. He's been exhiled for a couple days.


The Gym is calling