
The Blog Thing

I have finally decided to write down my thoughts. GK is the name and rationalizing this whole thing out has been a game. After weeks of looking at people's blogs I have decided that I will delve into this digital age without further delay. I used to keep a journal prior to My ex giving me reasons to stop because it made him examine his character. I have always written about my daily events and kept them neatly catalogued in my FD planner. They are no more.

So here begins the story

Born NYC, Manhattan 1966 I've been told not a bad year.
Of PR descent. Lived in the Bronx until I was five. My earliest recollection of life was trying to run away from home ( I was 4) for some silly reason and I got down to the second floor in our building and fell asleep in a neighbors apartment. I took a bag of groceries from the pantry with me because I was not going hungry through my journey.

Dad worked as an upholsterer and mom worked at CBS, then came my brother 1971 and he added to the fun in the family. I was intensely jealous of him and tried to poisoin him with sugar in his formula. Even then, the Machiavellian flaws shone on through my little soul.
I love him today, but back then, it was an only child's plot to undo a wrong.

I don't think I ever thought out the consequences of those actions would last out 22 years of our relationship. Things are better now and I don't think he's aware at my failed attempt to off him.

Then the world changed in 1972, my dad got the bright idea to rediscover our roots and we moved to Puerto Rico. Nothing like a Carribean Island filled with people who only spoke Spanish. Here I am, this NYC kid and I have to learn Spanish, I was bent. My First grade teacher asked me to draw a flower and then she wrote on it in Spanish "Flor" it was war. I took the crayola and scratched out her silly writting and said Flower.

Even as a child I had a strong personality, my mom reminds me that teacher never saw such a stubborn child. I guess I am hard headed and do not often relent until I get my way. Maybe its a control thing since Iwas moved against my will to PR. LOL!